Center 101
2393 Črna na Koroškem
The Geopark Karavanke is a crossborder geopark connected and devided by the mountain range with the same name.
The Geopark is located between two Alpine mountains that exceed 2,000 metres: The Petzen/Peca and the Koschuta. It is marked by the rich, geological variety between the Alps and Dinarides.
The administrative borders of the Geopark follow the borders of 14 municipalities.
Surface: 1067 km²
Population: 53.000
ARGE Geopark Karawanken
Hauptplatz 7, A-9135 Bad Eisenkappel
Sir Gerald Hartmann
Mobil: ++43 (0) 664/11 68 119
eMail: [email protected]