SMERKOVEC:1377 m above sea level (hut) KOMEN:1684 m above sea level ALTITUDE DIFERENCE:307 m WALKING TIME:1,5 h From the lodge on Smrekovec we can continue our path to the top of Smrekovec 1.577 m (30min), to Krnes 1.613 m (1hour) or to Komen 1.684 m (1,30 hours). From the lodge we rise at the edge of the forest in the northeast direction through a forest and in 15 minutes we reach a small flat ground area where a path turns towards the right, the path to the top of Smrekovec. There is only 15 minutes of unmarked road towards the top. To get to Komen we have to turn west at the crossroads for the top and continue on a flat path, across the overgrown grazing grounds of the Kumpaška mountain. We cross a stream and follow a path that is deeply rooted into the thick soft grass and between the rocks we get to the forest. It is only a short walk in the shade and we are on the main ridge. Wide grasslands of the Kogovnik mountain start here and we cross them quite quickly. In the spruce tree sorest the path starts to climb and after 15 minutes we get to the beginning of the Ramšak mountain. Here we find a crossroads where we can climb onto the east hillside of Krnes in 10 minutes and return back to the marked road to the west. Past Krnes the blazes lead us on the southern hillsides and in a very short time we again reach the ridge between Krnes and Kom. Above the ridge the path climbs very steeply to a flat area on the south side of Komen. It is a 5 minute walk on soft grass to the chapel. The top is only a few steps to the North. This path is easy.
Zakon o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij (ZDSMA), ureja ukrepe za zagotovitev dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zavezancev po tem zakonu za vse uporabnike, zlasti za uporabnike z različnimi oblikami oviranosti. Ta zakon se uporablja za državne organe, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in osebe javnega prava
Spletna stran za nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke
Spletna stran za delovanje uporablja samo nujno potrebne piškotke, za katere ne potrebujemo vaše privolitve. Brez namestitve teh piškotkov, vam nemotenega dostopa do spletne strani ne moremo omogočiti.
Za več informacij si preberite Politika piškotkov.