ČRNA NA KOROŠKEM: 586 m above sea level NAJEVSKA LIME TREE: 1056 m above sea level ALTITUDE DIFERENCE: 470 m WALKING TIME: 2 h From the centre of the village we head west in the direction of Koprivna, past the bank to the stone bridge across Meža. We do not cross the bridge but walk s few meters on the left side of the stream. Right behind the third house (Centre 43) we leave the road, cross a field and get to the chart track under the cemetery. We continue on this path until we get to the water distribution system. Here we look for a trail to the left which rises slightly above the chapel to the into the Rešer hill. When we see the view of the centre of Črna we must continue to climb to the right to the edge of the forest and follow it to the top of the hill. Above us we can already see the farm Kogelnik. The blazes lead us through the courtyard of the farm to a forest path from which we get to a macadam road which leads us from Črna to the Najevska lime tree. To the left just a few steps down the road we get to some wooden steps on the right in the side of the road. Above the edge we follow a narrow path through blueberry bushes steeply up the hill and in a while we reach the other forest road. We cross it and again start to climb into the hill which levels out a bit near the top. We get to the mountain pass between the Veselkov top and Staneči top. From here we descent down a steep cart track which brings us out into the open, on a road only a few hundred meters from the lime tree. We follow this road to the Najevska lime tree. The path is easy.
Zakon o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij (ZDSMA), ureja ukrepe za zagotovitev dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij zavezancev po tem zakonu za vse uporabnike, zlasti za uporabnike z različnimi oblikami oviranosti. Ta zakon se uporablja za državne organe, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in osebe javnega prava
Spletna stran za nemoteno delovanje uporablja piškotke
Spletna stran za delovanje uporablja samo nujno potrebne piškotke, za katere ne potrebujemo vaše privolitve. Brez namestitve teh piškotkov, vam nemotenega dostopa do spletne strani ne moremo omogočiti.
Za več informacij si preberite Politika piškotkov.